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Rowen Barbary Sumo Original


Key Features
For horse of all ages. Condition & Weight Gain. Low starch and sugar diet.

Product Information
Sumo Original is an extremely valuable feed for all horses from youngsters to veterans, especially when trying to perfect the condition and enrich the bloom in the coat.

Providing super high levels of oils and fatty acids, alongside the necessary nutrients allowing the horse to utilise the oil efficiently ensures excellent overall condition, helping encourage weight gain and improve topline. When feeding a significant amount of oil to the horse it is important to support the diet with the correct nutrients, specifically antioxidants, Vitamin E and C along with Selenium and Zinc.

Adding oil to the diet also provides the horse with a higher calorific meal without increasing the volume of feed, benefiting the older horse and those with a poor appetite.

As Sumo Original also has a very low starch and sugar content and is cereal free it is especially useful to use on laminitics that need a safe way to gain weight and condition, or for horses that need a cereal free diet.

Current research has proved that oil can be an extremely beneficial source of slow release energy, providing twice the amount of energy as carbohydrates from the more traditional cereals. Sumo Original is non-heating and the high oil content and low starch level also makes it suitable for horses that suffer EPSM and Shivers.

Sumo Original is guaranteed to be free of prohibited substances Caffeine and Theobromine and therefore is suitable for horses and ponies competing under competition rules.

Feeding Guidelines: Introduce slowly over a 10-day period building up to about 50g per 100kg bodyweight daily until the required condition is achieved. When the required level of condition is achieved, gradually reduce the quantities fed to a level that will maintain condition and bloom. When very high levels of dietary oils are required up to three times these levels can be fed.