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Korsteel Dutch Gag 2 Ring



This bit uses a lever action which raises the bit in the horses' mouth this helps the rider to maintain control of the horse. Poll pressure is also applied when the reins are placed on the lower ring. When using the Korsteel Dutch Gag two reins should be used. One on the main snaffle ring of the bit and the other on the second lower ring.

The Korsteel Dutch Gag jointed 2 ring is lower in severity than the 3 ring gag as having 2 rings means the amount of angle of leverage on the bit is lessened. If only one rein is to be used when using the Korsteel Dutch Gag then roundings should be used to help maintain a better contact with the horses mouth.

The Korsteel Dutch Gag is made from stainless steel.   

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